Material detail


Journal of Consumer Psychology
The official journal of the Society for Consumer Psychology
Lwarence Erlbaum Associates

Status Information

This material is reference only.
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Registration No. M00015973
Journal Code Z00000224
Jpn. or Foreign
Title Journal of Consumer Psychology The official journal of the Society for Consumer Psychology
Volume - Years of Serial 2006/4
Volume - Vol. No. Vol.16 No.2 (62)
Publisher Lwarence Erlbaum Associates
Classification 1
Volume - Page 101-202p
ISSN 1057-7408
Volume - Location Code
26 二階集密書架
Contents Note 1 The Reduced and Enhanced Impact of Shared Features on Individual Brand Evaluations Thomas A.Brunner and Michaela Wanke/Dressed for the Occasion:Font Product Congruity in the Perception of Logotype John R.Doyle and Paul A.Bottomley/1=2:When a Singular Experience Leads to dissociated Evaluations Heather Honea,Andrea C.Morales,and Gavan J.Fitzsimons/Construal-Level Effects on Preference Stability,Preference-Behavior Correspondence,and the Suppression of Competing Brands Frank R.Kardes,Maria L. Cronley,and John Kim
Contents Note 2 /When Brand Attitudes Affect the Customer Satisfaction-Loyalty Relation:The Moderating Role of Product Involvement Jung-Chae Suh and Youjae Yi/Putting Your Best Face Forward:The Impact of Customer Mood on Salesperson Evaluation Nancy M.Puccinelli/The Role of Regulatory Focus in the Experience and Self Control of Desire for Temptations Utpal M.Dholakia,Mahesh Gopinath,Richard P.Bagozzi,and Rajan Nataraajan/Effects of Extreme-Priced Products on Consumer Reservation Prices Aradhna Krishna,Mary Wagner,Carolyn Yoon,and Rashmi Adaval
Contents Note 3 The Influence of Ease of Retrieval on Judgment as a Function of Attention to Subjective Experience Shai Danziger,Simone Moran,and Vered Rafaely/Spillover of Negative Information on Brand Alliances Nicole L.Votolato and H.Rao Unnava
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