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千葉明徳短期大学紀要編集委員会 編

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Title 千葉明徳短期大学研究紀要
Publisher 千葉明徳短期大学
Volume - Vol. No. No.27 (27)
Volume - Years of Serial 2006
Volume - Pub. Date 2006/12
Volume - Page 141p
Size B5
ISSN 0388-6476
Contents Note 1 保育臨床論・6-「二つの世界」の素描とその移行に関する方法論的一考察ー…佐伯一弥 A Study of Clinical Attitude for Early Childhood Education and Care-A Sketch and a Concideration concering the shift of "Two Worlds"-
Contents Note 2 北京四環史上地区の子育支援の現状ーボランティア組織「四環遊戯小組」のはたす役割ー・・・丹野 とし子 Current state of child-nurtring support of Beijing 4 Ring market district-An added role volunteer organization "Four ring play small class"-
Contents Note 3 小学校体育授業における表現運動についての一考察・・・荒松礼乃 Report of dance education of elementary school in Japan
Contents Note 4 ホリスティックな感受性を養う英語教育ー保育英語への応用ー・・・岡田愛 Studies of English teaching materials for raising students' "holistic sensitivity"- their application for the teaching of Nursery English
Contents Note 5 事例の読み合わせの面白さ・・・荒松礼乃 片川智子 岸井慶子 土田春恵 Fascinating Aspects of Various Viewpoints of the Case Conference
Contents Note 6 保育の思考をひらくー「保育内容演習」の可能性と陥穽-・・・帰山俊二 宮崎豊 Develop child care and educational consideration -Possibilities and the traps we may confront in early childhood care and education contents-
Contents Note 1 授業「保育内容演出」報告・・・岸井慶子 A class report of "contents of Early childhood Care and Education"
Contents Note 2 相互的な授業展開の実態-授業「保育内容演習」を通してー・・・片川智子 The realities of mutual classes -through a classes of "practics of contents of child care and education"
Contents Note 3 保育内容演習における"保育内容”とは?・・・金瑛珠―「行事」を取り上げた授業から考える-What is "contents of early childhood care and education" n the field of early childhood care and education seminar?-Consideration from the class focusing on the event-
Contents Note 4 ダンボールで巨大迷路を作ろう・・・深谷恵美 A class report "Let's make a huge maze with the cardboad"

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    26 二階集密書架